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Please send us news of your work inspired by the Atom Day.  We will share your project here.

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Hollickwood 4.jpg

Hollickwood School

Muswell Hill, London


​​"...everything in the world is connected , from the tiniest of atoms, to the largest of structures..."


Lesson in year 3 with the artist Liga Kitchen. 

We studied forms from nature, such as seeds and plants and explored their various sizes - microscopic seeds, large gigantic ones, their colours, shapes, textures, patterns. We looked at the work by Swedish artist Hilma Af Klimt. She initially studied botanical painting and was interested in the scientific studies of plants. Even when she turned to what she called spiritual painting, the nature elements in her work remained - you can notice shapes of seeds, plants. She explores the things that are seen to the eye and things unseen - molecular like structures, shapes and lines, swirls that remind us of DNA chains. We agreed that to our mind, Hilma af Klimt was trying to show us how everything in the world is connected, from the tiniest of atoms, to the largest of structures, everything around us has a purpose and function. 

We started our Hilma af Klimt studies by looking at microscopic photographs of seeds. We drew them, then painted them. In the next session we looked at how some elements in Hilma's paintings look like DNA chains and molecules, and tried to draw them with crayons. And then we added it all in a wonderful bright collage!

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Hollickwood School, Muswell Hill, London.

Lead by artist Liga Kitchen, Year 3 students took inspiration from sculptor Alexander Calder's "Constellations" and their Atom Day to build these models in clay.

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The Atom Day was created by artist Geraldine Cox and researchers at Imperial College London, Durham and Oxford Universities, supported by EPSRC.
©2020 by World of Atoms.

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